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How strong are 3D gel and 4D laser cut number plates?

The number plates that we produce are made of an acrylic plastic, which is known for having a reasonable level of resilience however it is not unbreakable. The main plate itself can be damaged through incorrect handling, including drops or excessive bending - the plate may crack in these cases.

Gel letters

The 3D gel letters that feature on our plates are quite tough given their gel nature, they don’t get damaged easily as they are flexible. Even so, you should handle your plates with care as you wouldn’t want to scratch the surface of the letters or gouge them accidentally. You could drill through the gel letters, but we would not recommend this as it could affect the adhesive of the letters or otherwise damage the letter.

4D letters

4D letters are made of a similar acrylic to the actual plate, however these are more brittle and sensitive to damage. You must be careful not to attempt to bend these letters, and we strongly advise not drilling through them as you could crack the letters in both instances. You should also be careful with the glossy surface of the 4D letters as they could be scratched with incorrect handling.

We advise treating your number plates as you would your phone - you can expect them to be reasonably strong, but you should still take care not to damage them. In the case that your number plates are damaged due to incorrect handling, they will not be covered for replacement under warranty.

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